ROV Pressure Testing with the DARTT Recorder
Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) can be utilised to conduct Subsea pressure tests for drilling and completion programs in the oil and gas industry.
Subsea hydrostatic tests performed from an ROV have distinct advantages over other testing methods such as;
· Executed as a concurrent activity in the shortest period of time.
· Reduced subsea engineering by eliminating running a hydraulic umbilical.
· A reduced requirement for testing equipment such as HPU, Deck Jumper, Umbilical’s, Umbilical Sheaves
· Improved safety with reduced equipment on deck at high pressure.
The result is less high-pressure hazards around personnel and increased opportunities to reduce rig time and costs.
DARTT ROV Pressure and Temperature Sensor Tie-In
ROV DARTT Recorder Leak Testing
The ROV DARTT Recorder uses the same laptop, software, and workflows as the surface DARTT Recorder systems. The difference is with the 4000msw water depth rated pressure/temperature sensor that integrates easily to working-class ROVs. The Subsea sensor does not require 1-atmosphere housing and takes up very little space. The ROV DARTT Recorder can standardise your pressure testing procedures across all project locations such as cement unit, drill floor, moonpool, pipe deck and now Subsea ROV.
ROV Dartt Recorder Surface Readout Unit
ROV DARTT Recorder Subsea Pressure Test Example
An example of an ROV DARTT Recorder pressure test is running a Subsea Tree with a crane or deployed on drill piping without an umbilical. The ROV DARTT Recorder provides the following unique advantages for this Well Acceptance Criteria test (WAC):
DARTT Recorder test health tools provide early feedback on the likelihood of the test passing. This can be used as the decision point to recover the running tools with confidence the pressure test will pass.
The Subsea Tree x Wellhead connection pressure test result will be achieved with an unquestionable result. The pressure test cannot pass unless it has met the pressure test specification, adding certainty to the WAC.
As with all DARTT Recorder pressure tests, this critical pressure test will be automatically documented and saved with all required traceability information, including an equipment calibration certification.
Subsea Pressure Testing
Including an ROV Dartt Recorder in your subsea projects will ensure well acceptance testing is executed efficiently and with certainty.